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Cilacap recent comments:

  • SMA N 2 Cilacap, Om BHE (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Ini skolahnya CETUT yach????? (^_^)
  • SMA Negeri 1 Cilacap, Om BHE (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Niy dulu skolah'nya Novi"UPIEL" yach?????? Lolla juga pernah skul di sini yach????? (^_^)
  • SMP N 5 Cilacap, ukaclp wrote 17 years ago:
    ini dibikin oleh mas Didy. masuk ke SMP (SLTP) N 5 tahun 2000 dan lulus tahun 2003
  • SMP N 5 Cilacap, lebenky (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
  • Lapangan Kodim Jl. Dr Sutomo, Cilacap, dkhz (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Ini sebenarnya lapangan arhanud
  • H. Misto - Ikan Bakar Fress Jl. Dr.Soetomo 41 rt.05/XIII Sidanegara, zirau wrote 17 years ago:
    Hebat Mas Misto, masih ingat kan waktu ke Blk.Papan thn 1994??? salam dari Doha.
  • Sleko Seaport, as (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
  • SMP Islam Al-Azhar 15 Cilacap, Desphi wrote 17 years ago:
    wekkk nih Desphi N AAAA
  • SMA Negeri 1 Cilacap, Arjo (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    SMA Ndeso, Wong Gantheng Pernah sekolah disini
  • Kilang LPG & SRU, pakdhe bogor (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    PT. Siemens Indonesia disaster go trough here.....
  • RSPC, AAT (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    Tristan lahir disini loooh....
  • Kompleks Pendopo Kabupaten Cilacap, Fajar_Wisnu wrote 18 years ago:
    Salam buat Mbak Ning. From Aang-Bekasi
  • SMP Negeri 6 Cilacap, Isa Akbar Mubarok (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    SMP 6 Cilacap. Sekolahe Isa dan kawan-kawan. Ada Henry, Sihar Sihombing, Hermawan, Firman, Iman, dll. sekarang dah pada punya istri dan anak. Isa tinggal di Yogya. Lulus tahun 1995.
  • Rita Pasaraya Cilacap, hari wibawanto (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    only a small supermarket, but yes it is the biggest in Cilacap.
  • SMA N 2 Cilacap, (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    sma 2 cilacap it's the best school in cilacap city in central java in indonesia in the world ROSO-ROSO
  • Nurul Hidayah Mosque, dio (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
  • Donan 337, baron (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    gabungan bajingan donan!!!!!!!!